Hello Internet! We have a very special episode for you! This episode all about VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS was recorded live at this year's Candlenights live show! We sure hope you enjoy it! Have a happy (AND SAFE!) holiday and we'll see you in 2017!
Hello there Internet! What's that behind your back? A present? FOR US?! Well, we got you something too! It's a brand new episode all about HOLIDAY GIFTS: GIVING AND RECEIVING! First, hear us discuss our own gift philosophies! Then, we discuss some famous gifts from history! We answer a whole mess of your gift questions too! What's the policy on re-gifting? Do you need to match monetary values? Who do you have to give presents to? All these and more! Enjoy the episode and feel free to share this gift with your friends!
Happy holidays internet! We got you a brand new episode! What's that? You didn't get us anything? That's totally ok! As discussed in this episode, gift giving isn't about getting something in return! But mostly, we're talking about HOLIDAY PARTIES! Should you drink to excess? Do you have to go? What's the point? And what's the deal with a White Elephant gift exchange? Answers to all these and even more of your questions in this episode! Enjoy and remember to share!
Hello Internet! How are you? How's it going? What's up? What's shakin'? This week, we are discussing the art of CONVERSATION! Understandably, for many this is the hardest manners challenge there is! How do you start a conversation? How do you END a conversation?! How do you deal with being interrupted/interrupting others? How does one schmooze? All this plus answers to even more of your question! Enjoy and please remember to share!