Oh goodness, do we have a great biography episode for you! This week, we tell you all about Judith Martin, better known as MISS MANNERS! When it comes to etiquette, she truly is an inspiration. Eloquent writing, witty aphorisms, and tough love, Miss Manners has it all! Enjoy and be sure to tell a friend!
Hello Internet! We're so excited to bring you the last in our Summer Fun Series: PARKS! How did parks come about? What is their history? How do we keep them in good shape for future generations? How do we deal with other park goers? All these questions and MORE! Enjoy and be sure to share!
Hello Internet! Sorry we're so late but we're ready to make a splash with THE HISTORY OF BATHING SUITS! From nude to wool dresses to Speedos, the bathing suit has seen a lot of different forms through out the centuries! Join us as we float along through their timeline. Enjoy and be sure to tell a friend!
Hello Internet! Welcome to another in our impromptu "Summer Fun!" series! This week, ZOOS! What do you do when you see a kid tapping the glass? Can you go to a zoo as a childish adult? Should you correct a parent spreading misinformation? What do you say to your kid when the animals start doing "what comes natural"? How did zoos start anyway? Questions to these and more! Enjoy and be sure to tell a friend!
Hello Internet! Look but don't touch at this new episode we made for you all about MUSEUMS! Not only do we tell you their fascinating history, but we answer your questions too! How close can you stand? What does "pay what you can" really mean? Can you ask someone to move if you can't see? Is it cool to bring a baby? All those answers and more! Enjoy and be sure to tell a friend!